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Cost to Develop an Mobile App in Australia -2024

Cost to Develop an Mobile App in Australia -2024
February 15, 2024

Table of Contents

The cost of developing an App in Australia in 2024 varies on different kind of factors, but to give an estimate on average, the cost will be around $45,000 to $2,50,000. To help you to get more understanding of this article we made a preview of mobile application development cost below. This is just a preview to get to know more information please continue with reading the article.

To be precise, an estimation of the cost of developing a simple app can start $25000. It can also be more than $300,000. The high cost depends on the personalized complicated features used in the app. The development cost of a Custom mobile app depends on various factors like features and complexities of apps. It also depends on the approach of development and its functionalities. To give an exact cost estimate for an app we need to understand the factors that affect the cost of mobile app development.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Mobile App Development

Factors Affecting the Cost of Mobile App Development

Platform (Android, iOS or Cross-Platform)

The choice of mobile app development platform (whether it is Android, iOS or cross-platform) creates an impact on cost as a whole. Development of different native apps for Android and iOS requires more typical time. And resources as well. This is compared to cross-platform development. It is by using Flutter or React Native. While native apps offer better UX (User Experience) and performance. Cross-platform can be affordable when you want to aim for all the platforms at once.

Complexity and Category of App

The complexity and category of the mobile application play an important role. Its role is to determine the cost of app development. Calculators or some informational apps are simple apps having basic functions. Its development cost is not much compared to complex applications. The complex apps have advanced features like E-Commerce, social networking and real-time messaging. The cost of development also depends on third-party service integration and UI (User Interface) design. Plus, application architecture complexity.

Functionality and Features

The complexity and number of functionalities and features are integrated into the application. It creates an impact on the cost of development significantly. Standard requirements for most apps are push notifications and payment gateways. And user authentication and in-app messaging. Incorporation of advanced features might require additional development time. Thus, it can increase the overall development cost. Advanced features like augmented reality and offline capabilities. Along with that, algorithms for machine learning, and geolocation services are also included.

Design of The Mobile App

The cost of development also depends on app design complexity. It includes animation, graphics, and personalized visual effects. It also includes design elements of UI/UX (User Interface / User Experience). Apps that require complicated features and designs might require duplication of more designs. And the effort of development. Thus, resulting in higher costs. Investment in high-quality design is important. It is for developing user-friendly and visually attractive apps. Especially that cope with target users or audience. 

Third-Party Services Integration

Most of the mobile apps depend on this. Also, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). It is for functionalities like integration of social media and cloud storage. Geolocation services, payment procedures, and analytics are also included in this list. The complexity of these services’ integration into the architecture of the app. Also, subscription costs or fees for licensing are associated with it. It contributes to the overall cost of development as well. Plus, it requires thorough validation efforts and testing to ensure compatibility and integrity with the platforms of the third party.

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Stages of Mobile App Development

1. Brainstorming:

The brainstorming phase is the foundation of a successful mobile app. It involves gathering ideas, understanding user needs, and defining the app’s core features. This stage requires creative thinking, market research, and collaboration among stakeholders to ensure the app solves a real problem and offers a unique value proposition. 

2. UI/UX Designing:

User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design play a crucial role in the success of a mobile app. This phase focuses on creating an intuitive, visually appealing, and user-friendly interface that enhances the overall experience. Designers consider factors such as navigation, typography, color schemes, and usability to ensure a seamless and engaging interaction. 

3. Application Development:

The development phase is where the app’s functionalities are built and integrated. This stage involves selecting the appropriate technology stack, writing clean and efficient code, implementing security measures, and ensuring compatibility across various devices and operating systems. Developers work closely with designers and stakeholders to translate the app’s vision into a tangible product. 

4. Quality Testing:

Quality testing is a critical step in the mobile app development process. It involves rigorous testing of the app’s functionality, performance, usability, and compatibility across different devices, operating systems, and network conditions. This phase helps identify and resolve any bugs, glitches, or issues before the app’s release, ensuring a seamless user experience. 

5. Mobile App Launch:

After successful testing and final touches, the app is ready for launch. This phase involves submitting the app to the respective app stores (e.g., Google Play Store, Apple App Store), implementing marketing strategies, and preparing for user feedback and support. A well-planned launch can significantly impact the app’s initial success and adoption. 

6. App Maintenance:

Even after the app’s launch, ongoing maintenance is essential to ensure its longevity and success. This phase involves monitoring user feedback, addressing reported issues, implementing bug fixes, and releasing updates with new features or improvements. Regular maintenance helps keep the app relevant, secure, and up-to-date with the latest technologies and user expectations. 

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Estimated Cost Range according to App Categories

Category of App
Average Cost
Approximate Time (in hrs) to Submit
E-Commerce App like Amazon
$25000 to $150000
Social Media app like Instagram or Snapchat
$25000 to $300000
Learning app like Duolingo
$25000 to $225000
Dating app like Bumble or Tinder
$25000 to $350000
Gaming app like PubG
$25000 to 250000
More than 1800
Transportation App like Uber
$25000 to $100000

In the above table, the estimated time depends on how long it will be needed for research and development. The time also depends on any additional checkups, if any before the app launches. Though most of the developers in the industry claim that the cost also depends upon the duration. But if you hire a professional and experienced team of app developers in Australia, you will receive a seamless app within your deadline. 

How Much Does it Cost to Develop Android and iOS Apps

1. Cost to develop Android App

Developing an Android app alone may cost you around $40,000 to $240,000, depending on the features and scope of the project.

2. Cost to develop iOS App

Developing an iOS app may cost similarly to Android; that is, it will cost you around $40,000 to $240,000, depending on the features and scope of the project.

Our suggestion: If you are limiting your mobile app development specifically to only Android or iOS, it will serve only in the respective devices. However, if you opt for custom software development, your app can serve multiple devices, and the cost will be lower compared to native app development.

Industry-Based Top Apps and its Development Cost

We take mobile apps from different industries and will check how much it will cost to build a clone of it or a similar app

1. Cab Booking Application - UBER

The Uber app is a transportation app that connects riders with drivers through a convenient mobile application with seamless interface. It allows users to request rides, track their driver’s location, and handle payments seamlessly. To clone uber app or to develop app like uber with some extra features it can cost you around – $30,000 – $80,000.

Cab Booking Application - UBER

If you are looking for uber clone app please feel free to schedule a free call with CTO.

2. Food Delivery Application like Zomato

Best Example of Food Delivery app is Zomato. Zomato is a popular food delivery and restaurant discovery platform that enables users to explore nearby dining options, read reviews, place food orders for delivery or pickup, and make reservations with seamless payment options. The cost to develop an app like Zomato will cost you around $50,000 to $150,000. If you are looking for Zomato clone app book a free discovery session with CTO.

Food Delivery Application like Zomato

3. Ecommerce Application like Amazon

One of the best and prime example of ecommerce application is Amazon, offering a vast array of products ranging from electronics and books to groceries and fashion. The Cost to develop an app like amazon can vary from $40,000 to $300,000. The cost can vary depending on the features you wanted to add or remove. If you are looking for exactly the clone of Amazon app, we can help you with that, we are one of the best mobile app development companies in Australia. Book a free brainstorming section now to discuss the project. 

Ecommerce Application like Amazon

4. Financial App Like Pocketguard

Pocketbook is a personal finance app that helps users track their spending, categorize expenses, and set savings goals. The key features of the apps are account aggregation, transaction categorization, budget Tracking, bill reminders, expense analysis, etc.

To develop an app like Pocketguard it will cost you around $30,000 to $300,000, the cost may vary if you add extra features or remove some features. If you are looking for a Pocketguard clone app the feel free to talk with our experts.

Financial App Like Pocketguard

5. Travel and Booking App – Airbnb

The Airbnb app is an app developed to facilitate short-term lodging and travel experiences. Users can browse and book accommodations ranging from apartments and houses to unique properties like treehouses and castles. The app offers features such as advanced search filters, secure payment processing, and messaging capabilities to communicate with hosts.

To develop an app like Airbnb clone this may cost you around – $1,20,000 to $1,40,000. At sunrise technology we provide best app development services and help you with getting a clone of Airbnb.

Travel and Booking App – Airbnb

6. Social Media App Like Facebook

The Facebook app is a social media platform that allows users to connect with friends, family, and communities worldwide. It offers a range of features including posting updates, sharing photos and videos, and interacting with content through likes, comments, and shares.

The cost to develop a social media app like Facebook may vary from – $100,000 to $120,000. 

Social Media App Like Facebook

7. E- learning App like Duolingo

Duolingo is a popular language-learning platform that offers interactive lessons for users to learn a variety of languages. The app provides a gamified learning experience, incorporating exercises, quizzes, and challenges to help users improve their vocabulary, grammar, listening, and speaking skills.


To develop an app like Duolingo this may cost you around $25,000 to $40,000. If you are an e-learning company and want an app like Duolingo, we will help you with that get a free estimate.

E- learning App like Duolingo

8. Healthcare App like – Doctor on Demand

One of the best examples of healthcare app is the Doctor on Demand app. Doctor on demand is a telemedicine platform that provides virtual healthcare services that allows users to consult with licensed physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and other healthcare providers from the comfort of their homes. The platform offers video consultations, secure messaging, and on-demand appointments for variety of medical issues, including acute illnesses, chronic conditions, mental health concerns, and preventive care.


If you are looking to develop an app like Doctor on Demand this may cost, you around – $30,000 to $240,00. We recently created an app like Doctor on Demand and helped one client in Australia within 16 weeks. If you are looking to develop an app like this please feel to book a demo.

Healthcare App like – Doctor on Demand

9. Real estate App like – Zillow

Zillow is a  online real estate marketplace app that facilitates the buying, selling, and renting of residential properties. This platform provides a comprehensive database of listings, including homes for sale, apartments for rent, and properties currently on the market. Users can search for properties based on various criteria such as location, price range, and property type. Zillow offers detailed property information, including photos, floor plans, and virtual tours, to help users make informed decisions. The Cost to develop an app like Zillow will range between $50,000 to $250,000.

Real estate App like – Zillow

10. Logistics app like Flexport

Flexport offers freight forwarding and customs brokerage services, primarily focused on international shipping. It provides users with visibility and control over their supply chain offering features such as real-time tracking, digital documentation management, and supplier management tools. The cost to develop an app like flexport will range around – $20,000 to $25,000. We recently developed an logistic app like flexport to one of our client in Australia. If you are looking for one the feel free to book a demo.

Logistics app like Flexport
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Strategies for Reducing the Cost of App Development

1. Cross-Platform Development

Instead of developing individual native apps for iOS and Android we can consider using cross-platform frameworks like React Native or Flutter because this approach allows you to develop a single codebase application that can run on multiple platforms which will reduce development time and costs.

2. Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

We can start with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that includes only the essential features of the app. While using this approach it allows you to validate your idea, gather user feedback about the app, and iterate based on real-world data before investing in additional features, minimizing development costs.

3. Outsourcing Remote Teams

Outsourcing or hiring remote development teams from regions with lower labor costs can significantly reduce expenses.

4. Agile Development Methodology

Adopting an Agile development approach with iterative cycles and continuous feedback can help identify and address issues early on by which we can reduce the need for costly rework and ensure efficient use of resources.

5. Cloud-Based Services

Utilizing cloud-based services like Firebase or AWS Amplify for backend infrastructure, push notifications, and hosting can be more cost-effective than building and maintaining an in-house.

6. Regular Maintenance and Updating

Investing in regular maintenance and timely updates can extend the app’s lifespan and reduce the need for costly overhauls or rebuilds in the long run. 


Hence, the app development price depends on various factors. It ranges from platform choice to the complexity of the app. Design, requirements to infrastructure in the backend. Also, post-launch support, testing, and the timeline of the project are some other factors. 


If you are seeking an app development partner, look no further than Sunrise Technologies. We are a top-rated mobile app development company in Australia, having built over 100 mobile apps for more than 100 customers worldwide. Start your app development journey with us today.

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Sam K Annavi
About Author

Sam is a chartered professional engineer with over 15 years of extensive experience in the software technology space. Over the years, Sam has held the position of Chief Technology Consultant for tech companies both in Australia and abroad before establishing his own software consulting firm in Sydney, Australia. In his current role, he manages a large team of developers and engineers across Australia and internationally, dedicated to delivering the best in software technology.

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